Mokrogorska is an educational institution and within our activities, we organize a large number of business events. We differentiate ourselves primarily through the fact that all business events are designed for educational purposes, as well as the fact that they do not have the characteristics of a ‘classic’ team building event. As such our events have the content and tax treatment of educational workshops.
Bearing in mind that our lecturing team in Mokrogorska has extensive business experience, our partners are increasingly giving us tasks to solve business challenges. In addition, or rather as an integral part of the educational process, we also provide advisory services to the business community.
Mokrogorska has more than 50 different training programs for executive fields that are needed in organizations. Listening to the needs of the business community, we participate in the development of the programs, training, certification, and re-training for various professions. A network of partners from all over Serbia helps us achieve this.
Our recommendation is to check the following elements when choosing a supplier. Firstly: does the supplier have the economic experience you need? Secondly: does that supplier have the capacity to meet your needs continuously? Human development is not a one-time task. Thirdly and most importantly: can the lecturer be a sufficient role model and inspiration for your employees because it is one of the most important ingredients in terms of success when it comes to a development program.
The most valuable resource a business organization has is its people. Both in terms of business development, but also in terms of cost. Investing in knowledge, improving personal and team capacities are unequivocally the best investments a business can make. In times of permanent crisis, inspiration, motivation, and purposefulness are invaluable for an organization. In our experience, each organization should invest at least one training per year for each key associate. Our recommendation is to invest in the professional development of your managers for a minimum of five working days per year, although the international standard in this regard is twice as high.
We gather the necessary information regarding your current needs based on the project objective and the questionnaire we fill out alongside you. Accordingly, we feel free to suggest solutions that are the result of our many years of experience in the field.
We live for seeing the users of our program so inspired. The average grade of our programs on an annual level is 4.6, on a scale of one to five. On the other hand, each program is always unique in its own right, because the participants always differ. We guarantee program quality in two ways. Firstly, for corporate programs, it is crucial to get a good description of the terms of reference in order to define, as precisely as possible, the needs of the organization and the participants themselves. That is why our subject lecturer, who is obliged to have a comprehensive understanding of the details of the project task, always comes to an agreement with the client. In addition, before the beginning of each program, the lecturer harmonizes the expectations of the students with the agenda and adjusts the curriculum with the practical expectations of the students during the program. Upon the programs completion, all students evaluate the program and the lecturers. Based on that, a report is compiled for the client and as a result, we manage to constantly improve our subject programs. In our work thus far, we have not experienced a scenario in which a client asked for a refund because he/she was not satisfied with the service provided.
Our pricing policy is based on two principles. Firstly, the value we give our students and clients incomparably higher than the quality and cost of similar program types throughout the world. Secondly, we value our own work through continuous investment in the best lecturers, knowledge, and experience, organizational, technical, and personnel infrastructure, in order to be side by side with other business schools at the international level.
MEMBA is short for the Mokra Gora Executive Master of Business Administration, classified in the education system of the Republic of Serbia as a Master of Business Management, within the class of academic programs. This program belongs to the international classification of EMBA programs for more experienced managers. The main difference between the MEMBA program and other similar ones is the fact that it is accredited in the educational system of the Republic of Serbia. In addition, the program is more rigorous in its selection of candidates who have had significant business experience and it also focused on the regional economy. Based on its structure, the MEMBA program is not classified as a weekend program, but rather it holds classes in blocks of nine days, of which five are during the week and two weekends.
The General Management Program (GMP) is classified under the umbrella of professional programs that prepare mid-level managers for positions that entail broader responsibilities. The type of program is still referred to as a “mini-MBA” in our country, although the international community isn’t familiar with such a name. What distinguishes our GMP is the focus on organizations engaged in a variety of activities and a very strongly connected Alumni Group that totals more than 300 executives in the region. All students who successfully complete the GMP become Mokrogorska alumni, alongside our EMBA graduates.
MŠM does not handle ‘executive search’ activities. What we do is take care of our strategic partners and their talents. For individual programs, such as GMP and EMBA, we provide the most gifted students with connections within the business community.
MŠM’s logo was created by an industrial designer from London, named Dejan Mitrović, a graduate of the Royal College of Art (UK). The logo symbolizes the core values which MŠM promotes: KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE, TRADITION.
To reach Mokra Gora from Belgrade it will take three hours via car/bus. The simplest way is to take the Belgrade-Čačak highway, then continue along the ‘Ibarska’ highway through Užice and Požega to Mokra Gora. Alternatively, you can travel through Rudnik. Along the way, there are several great restaurants where you can relax and enjoy a meal. It is also possible to arrange bus transport for larger groups.
Yes. MŠM offers the possibility of scholarships for those students who demonstrate excellence within their work but do not have the financial means to finance their education on their own, or within their organization.
Yes. We offer special conditions for students who are self-funded or a part of the academic community.
All of our strategic partners with whom we have an annual contract have better conditions, participate in various events organized by the school and have the opportunity to adapt the programs to suit their needs. That is why we call these clients ‘strategic partners’. Most of the companies we work with have been our strategic partners since the very foundation of the school. They demonstrate exceptionality and they do not have the financial means needed to finance their education on their own, or for their organization.
MŠM clients are those who apply for our programs, those with whom we have a contract for the provision of services, those with whom we have many years of cooperation in the field of business education of their managers. Strategic partners of MŠM are organizations that have an interest in systematically and, in the long run, developing their best managers, whilst at the same time eagerly participating in improving involvement in various initiatives implemented by MŠM. In terms of quality and cost, our strategic partners have the highest form of our contribution because we have in-depth knowledge of their structure and human resources. At the same time, we respond with a higher degree of satisfaction concerning customer needs in the most cost-effective way.
MŠM is more than a business school. We pass on knowledge and experience without prejudice, while avoiding clichés, unencumbered by any external interests other than helping our students and organizations be more successful in what they do. Our working structure is based on the firm belief that through interconnection and the exchange of experience, knowledge, and information, we all progress. If our organizations and businesses prosper, so does the society we live in. MŠM is not an ordinary supplier of a service, but a long-term partner and this is evident by the long-lasting relationships we have with our strategic partners.
Compared to international institutions of a similar type, we maintain a modern, young, dynamic, enterprising, and very cost-effective structure. Our programs keep up with the international standards in terms of quality, whilst they are far more competitive in terms of price. Compared to regional institutions, MŠM has the broadest portfolio of activities that no other organization has. MŠM is, above all else, directly related to practice, because our founding and managerial structure mostly come from a complex international, or regional, corporate environment. Additionally, according to the value system, we are a domestic business school that believes in making knowledge and experience available, so as to grow and make our economy more successful. Finally, MŠM is connected with all of the most important institutions and business associations in the country, as well as the region, which gives us a huge professional advantage.
MŠM has two campuses. We are convinced that our programs on the Mokra Gora campus are of the highest quality, provide the best results and provide guaranteed inspiration to those who indulge in the adventurous spirit of learning in this unique environment. MŠM also has a campus called “Vuk’s Endowment’ located in Belgrade, where the Belgrade-based programs take place.
Firstly: Mokra Gora is one of the most beautiful parts of Serbia, a combination of natural beauty and the human need to preserve and enrich nature. Secondly: Mokra Gora offers the best conditions for intellectual and professional work, whilst at the time providing a first-class vacation opportunity. Thirdly: according to the generally accepted standards of modern professional development, MŠM is a world-renowned school and the Serbian school of management because it respects the specifics of our market and environment. Last but not least, the host of Mokra Gora, Emir Kusturica, is the best promoter of the core values that MŠM affirms: global knowledge, persistently applied based on our circumstances.
Yes. MŠM is the only private institution in Serbia that organizes the Academic Master of Business Administration (EMBA) in cooperation with the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of Belgrade. Our EMBA is the only program of its kind in Serbia that is not subject to nostrification according to domestic legislation because it is in the system of formal education of the Republic of Serbia. Professional programs (OMP, GMP, EMBA) are accredited in accordance with the Law on Adult Education and have the status of JPOA for the subject programs. MŠM also has two ISSO standards, 9001: 2015 and ISSO 21001: 2018 for the provision of services in education and the organization of events in education.
MŠM currently has more than 68 accredited lecturers for subject areas. Most lecturers have previous economic and entrepreneurial experience, which is a necessary basis for the practical transfer of knowledge onto our students.
All MŠM programs are designed based on the principle of 80% practical work and 20% theoretical knowledge, which we believe is the necessary conceptual basis for every manager.
In its portfolio, MŠM has four standard business programs and over 55 programs we run based on demand.
MŠM programs are designed to develop the four stages of managerial competencies:
  • Self-management – PERSONALITY
  • Technical—functional management- TF KNOWLEDGE
  • Relations management- RELATIONSHIPS
  • Strategic management- STRATEGY
MŠM is organized around four areas of business: the first area is the management program, as well as the executive education program, which includes General Management Program (GMP), Professional MBA (PMBA), academic program of Master of Business Administration (Executive Master of Business Administration). The second subject area is centered around business events that include the Vivaldi forms and team-building education. The third area of business we deal with is training for the career development of executors, which includes training for more than 50 types of executors. Finally, the fourth subject area is business consulting.
The Mokra Gora School of Management (MŠM) is an organization for the professional education and training of executives. It was founded in 2009 with the goal of improving the business environment, as well as the society in which we live by improving our business skills.